

Blog: VSM Tutorials

September 2011 Newsletter

9.1.2011 / SEO
Happy with your Google Placement? Efinitytech provides managed website optimization services Paid Keyword Campaign Management Efinitytech has been providing paid keyword campaign management ... Read More

June 2011 Newsletter

6.1.2011 / Website Launch
What's New in VSM 7? Completely Revamped & Cross Browser E Commerce  For those of you with E Commerce on your VSM Website, we are very excited to announce the launch of the greatly... Read More

May 2011 Newsletter

5.1.2011 / Website Launch
New VSM 7 E Commerce Launch this week  Completely Revamped & Cross Browser e-Commerce  For those of you with e-Commerce on your VSM Website, we are very excited to announce the la... Read More

March 2011 Newsletter

4.1.2011 /
Training Update: The Web and Live Training is set!  Tomorrow, Thursday March 3 at 9:00am to Noon Pacific Time.  Read More

February 2011 Newsletter

2.1.2011 /
Less than a Week to VSM 7! On Tuesday Evening Feb 8th between 10PM and 2:00AM Pacific Time we will be cutting over to the New VSM 7. During that time, you may not be able to access VSM to... Read More

January 2011 Newsletter

1.1.2011 /
What's New in VSM?  Well ... as of Wednesday Feb 9, 2011. Almost Everything! The New VSM: Cross browser compatible, even easier to use, and an incredible myriad of enhancements... Read More

November 2010 Newsletter

11.1.2010 /
BIG Changes Coming to VSM! Very shortly we will be launching the new version of VSM tools with a BETA release expected the week of Nov 15. The overall goal is to make VSM much easier to use, more cap... Read More

June 2010 Newsletter

6.1.2010 / Website Launch
What's New in VSM! Multiple File Upload with VSM Website Submission FormEnable your clients to upload large files without using email or FTP Software directly to your Website Libra... Read More

January 2009 Newsletter

1.1.2009 /
VSM Training - Tentative Class Dates We have enhanced VSM's Capabilities greatly in recent months. With even more new features in the works! In part due to the enhancements and the t... Read More