Merry Christmas From Efinitytech!
We are so happy to share another year with you, our great customers. We hope that you find our newsletters useful, and wish you a Happy New Year!
Featured Website
Please join us in congratulating Dan O’Brien on the new launch of his New Artistic and Colorful Cell Phone Case Website, 808 Shells!

VSM Content Management

Custom Website Design
See more of our portfolio at:
PS. If you haven't looked in a while, we have taken some of our own advice! Take a look!
SEO: What's Old Is New & What's New Is New!
Content, Content, Content,…, Inbound links, Quick Page Load, Mobile Adaptive...
- Up to date Content – Monthly updates or more often.
- Relevant Content – Are you writing about the topics relevant to your visitor?
- Well Written Content – Have your copy reviewed, or copy written by a pro.
- Unique Content – Do not copy from other websites.
- Extensive Content – More is better!
- An article on a reputable, relevant website linking to your site is platinum!
- Is your hosting fast? Are your pages optimized? Are your images optimized?
- Is your site Mobile Adaptive?... It should be!
- Is your site coding up to date?
- Are your Page Titles up to date? Are your Meta Descriptions well written?
- Is your design fresh, vibrant, appealing?
- Does your site have a compelling call to action?
VSM: Did You Know?
Continuous Improvement for your VSM Website Hosted by Efinitytech, includes:
- Lifetime Major Browser Compatibility
- Code Updates for older sites
- Complimentary Homepage Slider Administration* Enhancement.
For sites with Homepage Sliders, upon request, we will schedule your site for a complimentary upgrade to Data Elements administration, greatly easing the updating of the Slideshow.
Urgent Contact Enhancement: (360) 453-7603
Efinitytech has added an enhanced urgent notification phone line which will either be answered or will automatically transcribe your voice message and immediately text it to each of us, ensuring the quickest response to your urgent issues! Call (360) 453-7603 anytime to ensure your urgent message is conveyed to us most effectively!
It's A Credit Card Web!
We love the convenience of using and accepting cards. However, from the Merchant’s perspective, not only can the fees be expensive, just try to read and understand the statements.
What you may not realize is that for transaction processing entities: banks and third parties, Credit card processing is a significant source of profit. This is why many of these companies do not want Merchants to readily understand their programs or their statements. There is no TILA for Merchants. Read More >
Reminder - VSM Webstats Changing To Google!
Efinitytech is discontinuing VSM Webstats at the end of the year! In its place we are presenting simplified Google Analytics Website Traffic Data. We encourage and recommend that you utilize Google Analytics or other tracking system of your choice. We will help you install the necessary codes. Once in place, we can consult with you to further understand your Analytics Data and work with you to increase your Website Search Rank, Traffic and Business!
Patent Trolls Being Curtailed!
Finally and amazingly, Patent Trolls are being curtailed by Law! Patent Trolls are so despicable that both sides of the political aisle are coming together to enact legislation to stem their detestable practices. Read More >