

Blog: VSM Tutorials

November 2012 Newsletter

11.1.2012 / Website Launch

SCORR Marketing

Extraordinary CMS Design Support,
User managed database driven system,
VSM Content Management

Paws Gourmet

Custom Website Design,
VSM Content Manageme


Woodinville Florist Mobile Website

Woodinville Florist is a fully dynamic mobile e-commerce website. No matter what device you're using, the website automatically structures the content to provide the ideal browsing experience. Click on an image below and browse woodinvilleflorist.com on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.


It was just a matter of time! Industry sources report that mobile purchases have gone from around 2% in 2011 to about 12% in 2012! Mobile device traffic is up. Be ready or lose customers and sales. Today's consumer has less tolerance and time than ever. Nordstrom, Macy's and most major retailers have mobile e-commerce in place now. Your customers will not accept less from you! Join our leading clients and mobilize your site now. 

Contact us at 360-805-8483, or email sales@efinitytech.com


So, as a practical matter; what is the first step that you should take for SEO?

First: determine your important keyphrases. These are fundamentally driven by the products & services which you provide. Start by listing these.

Next: Find out how your potential customers are searching. One resource is Google. Go to: https://adwords.google.com/o/KeywordTool. Seed the tool with your core keywords or phrases. Try one phrase or word at a time. Scroll through the results and see what is popular, relevant, and important to your business. Be sure to include seed terms that your potential customers would search, not only ones that are specific to your industry. Another method is to start searches on Google & Bing and look at the auto complete suggestions. 

Record those, then search for them in a private browsing session, to see if your site is visible. Set your browser to display 100 or 50 results on the page, to make this process much easier!

It is extremely common to find that your site is not among the first few hundred results! In fact, you may find that an important keyphrase is not even mentioned on your site.

For more information about Search Engine Optimization, contact us today.


In October, a client had their domain expire and lapse into the dreaded redemption period, (better termed: the extortion period). Their domain registrar was Dotster.com. 

Dotster's failure to respond to immediate calls, the renewal payment including the $160 redemption (extortion) fee, and several protracted follow up calls, was completely unsatisfactory. The domain, website, and email were down for over three days! 

Finally, threatening legal action was effective in convincing this registrar to respond and put our client back in business.

As a result of this all too common problem, Efinitytech will review the primary domains of every VSM client in good standing and notify you of domain expiration in the month prior. We recommend renewal terms of 5 or 10 years; longer is better in Google's opinion!