

Blog: VSM Tutorials

September 2011 Newsletter

9.1.2011 / SEO

Happy with your Google Placement?

Efinitytech provides managed website optimization services

Paid Keyword Campaign Management

Efinitytech has been providing paid keyword campaign management services for select clients for over two years. 
Call or email to see how we can help you.

Organic Search Optimization

Efinitytech can take over the lion's share of the organic optimization for you. VSM provides you with the tools to do this work and we support you, however, it takes significant attention and hours of work to carry out the optimization tasks. Call or email to see how we can help you.

What's New in VSM 7?

We constantly improve the usability and capabilities of VSM. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Below are recent updates available to everyone, inspired by our clients:

Page Mapping

Have you ever built a new page to replace an existing one, and gotten the phone call… "I can't get to your existing page"? Efinitytech provides page mapping which creates redirects from old pages to new pages. This preserves search visibility and functioning of deep links into your site, and alerts the search engines that the site/page has been rebuilt. A redirect map forwards any page to a specific new one! 

Fully Automated XML Site Map Generation

Every time you save your navigation in VSM a complete XML site map is created or updated. Search engines, Google, Bing & Yahoo, "love" these! You do not have to do a thing. Everything is done in the background.

SEO Tips

Location Search Placement

Are you looking for search visibility in towns, cities, or states beyond the town/ city you are located in? Use testimonials… call or email for guidance and other tips.

What is Google Panda?

Did your site drop significantly in search results in recent months?

Google’s Panda is a “Quality” update applied to their ranking algorithm. If you have copied content from another site, or if your site content is poorly written, it’s likely your site’s position on Google has suffered as a result of this update.

Associated Builders & Contractors, promotes free enterprise and the merit shop philosophy in the construction industry. Efinitytech is proud to be an ABC Member.