

Blog: VSM Tutorials

September 2013 Newsletter

9.1.2013 / SEO


Matheus Lumber - www.matheuslumber.com

  • Modern, Clean Custom Design
  • Dynamic Project Display
  • User Updated Content
  • Built with VSM Content Management


We continue to enhance the functionality of VSM. If you are a Data Listings user, you can now drag and drop the order of your listings.


We are in an ever escalating war with spammers who are currently responsible for over 30% of all email messages our server receives. It's impossible to block all spam, but we continue to advance our software and hardware to ensure spam is blocked in an effective manner without inhibiting legitimate email. We currently have a completely stand-alone server that filters all traffic, and two spam filtering programs screening every email message. Finally we have been manually blocking IP addresses and messages matching reported profiles. Most recently we are enforcing a strong password policy on all email accounts.

Last month, two email accounts were compromised due to inadequate passwords and infected personal computers accessing the accounts. The critical lesson is to run supported versions of Windows (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8) and to use up to date web browsers (IE9, IE10, Chrome, Firefox). If you are a Mac user, ensure you have the latest security updates and the updated version of Mac OSX (10.6+). We also strongly recommend every machine be protected with high quality antivirus software. Microsoft provides operating system updates on a monthly or more frequent basis and "Microsoft Security Essentials", excellent free antivirus software. Note: Support for Windows XP is being terminated by Microsoft on April 8, 2014. After that, your machine will be completely vulnerable to hacking and viruses. This article provides details. 

With over 13,000 messages a day of spam, it's possible that legitimate email could get selected. If this is the case please contact us to get it resolved.


Panda and Penguin are algorithm updates to Google's search engine. They are designed to devalue sites with poor or copied content and to demote sites with poor quality links, such as paid links, or placement on link farms. Of course these updates are also intended to reward sites with good quality content and genuine, high quality inbound links.

A long time client unfortunately had substantial portions of their site copied and posted on a competitor’s website. Google failed to notice which site was the source of that content and our client's site placement for many of their keywords moved from the first page of Google to the tenth page or worse. Our client is in the process of taking legal action against this unscrupulous competitor and is expected to prevail. Please keep an eye on your site ranking for important key phrase searches.

To see how we can help you with your SEO contact us at 360-805-8483, or email us.


Currently we provide our own web traffic statics through VSM. We will be sunsetting this data service at the end of the year in favor of Google Analytics. Google's Analytics is much more comprehensive then our current system and we will be incorporating summary data within VSM. We recommend if you do not have a Google Analytics account, to set one up very soon by going to http://analytics.google.com. If interested please contact us for consulting on Google Analytics and SEO positioning.