

Blog: VSM Tutorials

New Spence Mougin Photography Website

4.16.2021 / Website Launch, All

We could not be more pleased with this excellent reincarnation of Spence Mougin Photography! Spence has been a great website client for over 10 years. His previous site was more than showing its age and many of the images were from many years before that, and of low resolution. The result was a site and images that did not do his photography justice. 

Out of the blue, Spence called about 2 months ago and gave us a precise description of the site design he wanted. We were more than happy to oblige, with the proviso that Spence give us all new high-resolution photographs! He did just that and we built this wonderful new site that shows off his great photography! He is managing the site adding, captioning, and categorizing his imagery with ease! (With the benefit of good training and support from Efinitytech)

In Spence's words:

Mark, Aaron & Vaughan,

                                            Just wanted to thank you for the great website. I really love it! I’ve been adding descriptions to all my photos. Aaron’s email with instructions on how to do it was a big help. Aaron if you could send me a short email how to add new photos would be a great help. I would also like to add portfolio back on the main page. I know it was there, but it got deleted when Vaughan was helping me to figure out the cache problem. (Big thank you Vaughan).

