Blog: VSM Tutorials

Announcing The New Impact Washington Website!

4.9.2020 / Website Launch

Impact Washington is a Non-Profit Organization supporting Manufacturers in Washington State.

They have the Experts, Consulting, and Training programs to enable Manufacturers to Excel in every facet of Manufacturing.

It is our privilege and pleasure to work with such a prestigious organization and to present their Completely Overhauled and Redesigned Website!

Impact Washington

Please visit ImpactWashington.org to learn how they can help your Manufacturing Business.

We are as excited as they are about the new site!

Their words are more meaningful than anything we could say;

"After several months of hard work and dedication, we are thrilled to officially announce the launch of our new Impact Washington website, designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation. Our primary goal during the redesign process was to create a more valuable, user-centric and responsive resource across all platforms and devices.  Specifically, we wanted to focus on making it easier for our users to learn and locate valuable information about our manufacturing solutions for their particular application or industry not only at their desk but on mobile devices.

We invite you to visit us at www.impactwashington.org

The new website offers straightforward access to essential information about Impact Washington Consulting, Training and Events as well as access to the latest news, about us and how to get in touch with us.

Carol Blayden

Director of Marketing & Client Engagement