

Blog: VSM Tutorials

Announcing A Local Favorite: Fun Rent!

11.1.2017 /

Announcing A Local Favorite: Fun Rent!

We are thrilled to announce the complete redesign of the Fun Rent website!

Fun Rent is a leading regional provider of Bouncy Houses and entertainment for outdoor events located just 2 miles from our offices in Monroe, Washington.

Wes McMurrian, and his right hand man John Harrington worked closely with our team to develop an exciting and professional website that effectively presents their business, products and services in a bright and colorful way. 

This all encompassing project includes a new and iconic logo design which is immediately recognizable and clearly identifies their brand.

It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve great clients such as Fun Rent!


Click to view our portfolio

In their words;

" Small business owners and managers will attest to the fact that money must be spent wisely.  At FunRent, we were growing tired of the limiting platform on which our existing website was built.  We sought out several proposals.  Efinitytech was not only the first company to respond; Vaughan had been to my office for a meeting by the time we got a second response!  The ease with which we were communicating with Efinitytech made the choice a cinch, along with the many beautiful websites in their portfolio.  We knew from the beginning that this partnership would be money well spent.

As the development of our new site got going, we had a couple of meetings at our office, and several meetings at Efinitytech's office.  We've met nearly every member of the team and we've emailed with every single team member.  Everyone has been extremely nice, courteous, professional, and punctual.  The EfinityCMS system is impressive and intuitive.  As we neared the launch of our new Efinitytech website, we spent a lot of time in EfinityCMS tweaking inventory photos and descriptions. The learning curve for the management system is quite low - I imagine most hands-on business owners and managers will feel at ease with EfinityTech's CMS system. When we did have questions, we sent flurries of emails to the Efinitytech team, and the response time has always been phenomenal.

The transition from old site to new site was seamless, as we expected it would be.  Now that our new site is live, we look forward to a few further sessions with Efinitytech for SEO and newsletters.  We have total confidence that they are just a quick phone call or email away, should something come up.  This has been, and will continue to be, a very productive partnership.  I highly recommend Efinitytech as your next webmasters!"

Wesley McMurrian, President & CEO, Fun Rent

Organic Click-Through Increased by 63%!!!

You have earned hard won organic placement on Google; so how do you fully capitalize on your newfound visibility?

We were able to increase the Click-through rate of an SEO Client by 63% from 3.85% to 6.26% by enhancing the message displayed in Google Search Results!

This bears repeating... That is a 63 % increase of clicks, and resulting visits to your site from your listing in the Search Results!

This incredible improvement was achieved by skillfully enhancing the message displayed below your result.

Google results show approximately the first 60 characters of your Meta Title and it's up to you to capture your audience with that message! EfinityCMS provides you with the ability to manage this and virtually every aspect of your website!


Contact us to see how our custom business websites and web consulting can help achieve your web goals and objectives!

Special thanks to Brianna Grantham for her help editing this newsletter!