

Blog: VSM Tutorials

Announcing The Big Apple Visual Group Website!

5.1.2017 /

Announcing The Big Apple Visual Group Website!

An exciting site for the Big Apple Group! This New York Firm now has a site commensurate with their work.

Efinitytech developed this completely new site for The Big Apple Visual Group in collaboration with their New York Marketing Company; That's Nice. We have an ongoing relationship with That's Nice, where we build certain sites for them and their Marketing Clients. This site is an excellent example. We use a combination of Data Driven Content along with informational pages to produce, host and support a site that is both elegant and easily managed.


User Friendly Administration for Projects, completely managed by EfinityCMS

 See more of our portfolio at: www.efinitytech.com 


Are You Answering Your Customers Questions? 



Ask Google a Question.

We searched:

"What is Content Marketing?" 

A curious thing happens... 

Google "attempts" to answer your question!

The result is a definition as if you looked it up in a dictionary.

Of course, above that you see advertised sites and immediately below appears;
3 "Top Stories"

Finally below that are the traditional "Organic Results"

This begs the obvious question; 

What is the Point of all this? Wouldn't it be great if your Webpage were in the answer block?

If you think about providing the answer to the question your desired visitors/customers would want to know and provide that on your website you have the potential to be Google's Answer.

Wouldn't that be great!?

Finally, the two websites that lead the organic results are great articles on the subject. And the Content Marketing Institute is arguably the authority on the subject

The takeaway is to have your website answer your customers questions.

This is the key to Content Marketing and Google Answers.


Cepher Publishing Group Success: 
Website Sales Up 462%! (March 2017 Vs. March 2015)

It is our great pleasure to count Cepher Publishing among our clients. We are privileged to be the designers and developers of both their Website and Mobile App, which can be found on Apple Store, Google & Amazon. We are furthermore very pleased to be helping them achieve noteworthy success with our SEM & SEO.


In March of 2015 Cepher Publishing had not yet contracted for SEO/SEM Website Consultation with Efinitytech. With March 2015 as the baseline: After one year of working with Cepher; March 2016 saw sales increase 200%! Subsequently; March 2017 saw sales increase 87% over 2016. The combined 2 year growth is a cool 462%!

In the words of Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, Founder of Cepher Publishing Group LLC:

As the CEO of Cepher Publishing Group, LLC (www.cepher.net) I would like to take a moment to highly recommend Efinitytech for your web solutions. 

Since our relationship began with Efinitytech, we have enjoyed personalized and  highly professional service from a group who has met our needs exactly and in a continually timely manner.  We went from a Wordpress website, with all of its vulnerabilities, to a VSM protocol, which has been virtually bulletproof in meeting our E-commerce demands.  We have been able to continuously build the depth and breadth of our website to maximize our visibility on the worldwide web, all of which has transferred into substantial realizations of growth and efficacy in our business.

In addition to structuring our web interface, we also enjoy continuous support as we address our analytics, our go-to-market strategies, our projection into the econo-sphere, and our internal management practices, allowing us to evaluate our econometrics at a worldclass level using state-of-the-art protocols.  Although the VSM presented some challenges which were more quickly remedied on Wordpress, we have confidence that the customization under VSM has allowed us far greater protection than we would have otherwise.  As a result, we have been able to critically review our growth, and we work continually to increase our review capability.

Efinitytech also met our demand for the construction of our Mobile APP (Cepher – available on GooglePlay, the Apple Store, and on Amazon for application on the Kindle Fire and Blackberry). We had received bids from various suppliers worldwide, but we elected to use Efinitytech, because of their thoroughness and their professional response.  We have been rewarded with a bulletproof APP with few difficulties across the various platforms which now use the APP, and we realized Return On Investment (ROI) in a mere eight months.  As with our support, we continue to develop our APP with upgrades (which are made available to the user at no additional charge) as we determine their viability.  For instance, we are now adding night shade viewing.  From its inception to its latest development, Efinitytech has done a great job for us, and we are and remain thankful that this company is a meaningful part of our business life.

Contact us to see how Efinitytech's Custom Business Websites and Consulting Services can help your business!