

Blog: VSM Tutorials

Announcing: The Redesign & Redevelopment Of BedVoyage!

4.3.2017 / SEO, Website Launch

Announcing: The Redesign & Redevelopment Of BedVoyage!

Our sincere congratulations to Sharon Stuart, Angie Fritz and Wendi Hoffine of BedVoyage! Back in 2012 Sharon hired Efinitytech to design and develop a new and highly functional Ecommerce website. That site immediately and dramatically eclipsed their previous site sales by many fold. Recently, the site has seen consistent annual sales growth rates between 37% and 38%.

This is excellent performance; nonetheless to foster even higher sales, BedVoyage and Efinitytech have collaborated to implement a design refresh and streamline of their product structure and selection process. The team at BedVoyage worked closely with Aaron, Mark, Nolan and Richard to produce this exciting new edition of BedVoyage.com!

In Sharon’s words;

We have just completed the launch of our second website with Efinitytech. Our first site launched in 2012, and after 5 years was high-time for a fresh new look and feel! We worked very closely with the whole team at Efinitytech to make sure that our ideas were able to be implemented, as we had a very specific vision for how we wanted the new site to function, as well as offering an enhanced user experience. We have always been impressed with their can-do attitude, and we are thrilled with our new retail website and look forward to increased traffic and sales!

Sharon Stuart

Owner, Bed Voyage

Announcing: Paws Gourmet Bakery; Formerly Paws Gourmet!

Congratulations to Tim Hall on the launch of the new Paws Gourmet Bakery website! This new site and business was formerly Paws Gourmet, which was owned and operated by our very long term client Lilyan Holmes. We wish Lilyan and her husband John a wonderful retirement and we welcome our new client and owner Tim Hall. We are very happy with the redesign of the new PawsGourmet Bakery website, as is Tim:

In his words,

"Wow! … I absolutely love it. Great job! … this is a 1000% improvement over the old site and looks modern and very appealing. Thanks again”

Tim Hall, Owner
Paws Gourmet Bakery 

Image Gallery Tool Enhancement

If you use our Gallery Tool you will notice a dramatic improvement in its speed!

Over the past several years we have continued to enhance and improve the Image Gallery Tool. This past month while examining the performance of our servers, we noticed an anomalous spike in memory use. Upon investigation we discovered this was driven by our Gallery System. We were able to identify an opportunity to materially improve the protocol and have increased the speed of Gallery Creating and Saving by ten fold! Additionally, the memory and processing demand on the servers is dramatically reduced.

No April Fools! Joe's Glass Search Traffic Is Up 93%

Joe's Glass traffic from search engines has increased an incredible 93% from February 2016 to February 2017!

We work continuously to consult with Joe and optimize and implement search strategies and local marketing to literally put his business on the map! That is the Google Map for local searches in particular. This rarefied placement is limited to just 3 businesses on Page 1 of a localized Google Search. Joe's Glass is #2 for his primary key phrase. That, according to Joe, along with first page placement for his most important key phrases is the driving reason for the growth of his business.

Contact us to see how Efinitytech's Custom Business Websites and Consulting Services can help your business!