

Blog: VSM Tutorials

Congratulations to Balancing Service on the Redesign and Relaunch of their Website!

3.1.2016 / Website Launch, All

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Congratulations to Balancing Service on the Redesign and Relaunch of their Website!

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Brian Mead of Balancing Service is a long time client who recently made the investment to update the design and content of his business website; and even though we are still waiting for their projects information so that we may complete the build of their site, they sent us this great feedback due to the launch of the newly designed and redeveloped site.

“Thank you guys for the great job you are doing with our website re-design. Your patience and help keeping us on the ball has been invaluable. Whenever a new customer calls we always ask how they learned about us and with the website not even 100% complete we are already seeing a large increase in the number of people that find us by searching the web. It’s awesome!”

Sue Ann Hess
Office Administrator/Business Development
Balancing Service Company

View more of Efinitytech's portfolio sites at: www.efinitytech.com

Your Domain Registrar...

From past Newsletters you may recall that Efinitytech keeps an eye out on Domain Expiration Dates for VSM clients and renews domains automatically in our services or calls and emails clients whose domains are registered elsewhere. This month it was Traffic Control Services turn to experience a balky registrar. Their domain was due to expire within the next few months and we recommended they renew it beforehand. They contacted the listed registrar on the public domain registration and that company refused to let them know who their "reseller" was! On threat of legal recourse, they relented and reluctantly gave out the phone number. The domain was renewed for 1 year and we will be transferring the domain to our Registration Services shortly!

VAP Construction; WordPress Hack; Emergency VSM Build!

We are very pleased to report that as of Feb 22, the new, emergency, temporary VSM site for VAP Construction is not only live and running; it has been indexed by Google!

The backstory... on Feb 1 VAP indicated that they wanted us to redesign and redevelop their website. Then on Feb 10, they called to report that their existing host had summarily shut down their site! It turns out that their WordPress site had been hacked and now contained some 120 Porn Site Links. Their Hosting Company, rather than restoring a backup or assisting them, simply shut down their site. This being an emergency, we set about putting up an immediate, same day, "Coming Soon" Page, while we scrambled to find and reconstruct the majority of the content from the hacked site. The prudent and expedient strategy was to quickly build and Host a VSM site, which we completed and launched on Feb 17. Just this past week we held the "Kickoff" meeting for the original project.

In their words; 

"Thanks for taking the time to go over the details of our site. You've done such a great job already and I can't wait to see what else you pull out of your hat!

Thanks again!"

Contact Efinitytech for help achieving your business goals via the web!