

Blog: VSM Tutorials

October 2015 Newsletter

10.1.2015 / SEO, Website Launch

Featured Website

Please join us in congratulating John Kritsonis and Karl Lindor on the launch of their outstanding website! 

Custom Efinitytech Design


Custom MLS Display

A special thanks to the excellent work of Averie Garman and Magdalena Kalowska of Kritsonis & Lindor who worked very diligently to make the site a reality!

See more of our portfolio at: efinitytech.com

Domains... A Cautionary Tale! 

You might think it safe and innocuous to investigate the availability of a desired domain name for your business using a whois service. It is neither!

This March, a longtime, 10+ yr., client of ours performed such a search for a domain in preparation for his strategic re-branding with a logical extension of his domain name. He thought all was well as the enhanced name was not registered...

This past week he was "ready" to proceed and was shocked to find a "no name" registrant in Panama had procured the name. The anonymous Panamanian registration was made shortly after our client's whois inquiry. This was no coincidence.

The dirty secrets are that some registrars actually automatically check a "reserve" box on the domain you look up with them. (This is referred to as Domain Front Running). So that when you return to purchase the domain the cost is several hundred dollars or more. Worse yet; in light of this most recent experience, we know that domain squatters are stalking and somehow "sniffing" the traffic on the whois requests and when they detect a highly likely valuable domain lookup; they buy it, so that when the unsuspecting searcher does not immediately purchase their domain, it is no longer available! Of course, it can then be purchased from the domain squatter for thousands of dollars. Alternately legal recourse may be pursued, which is not guaranteed, and which costs at least $2,000. All the while, the desired domain is not able to be used.

The lesson: Do not idly search available domains for your venture!

Develop your list, put it into rank order preference, then register the first one that you can procure. Do not look them up on a registrar ahead of time! Check to see if a website is found on any of them and cross them off the list first.

Do contact us with help in securing your desired domain. We are a Domain Registrar.

SEO Success - Cepher Publishing Group

"Efinitytech has been a tremendous and worthwhile compliment to the explosive growth of Cepher Publishing Group. 

Since moving our e-commerce platform to Efinitytech, our sales revenues have tripled over the prior year.

Equally important, the search engine optimization provided by EfinityTech resulted in an 111% growth in organic searches during a targeted five-week period. Because of this successful relationship, we have also elected to develop our App with EfinityTech."

Penny Castro

Operations Manager - Cepher Publishing Group

Efinitytech would be pleased to contribute to your company's success with our Superior Designs, Development, Hosting and Content Management. Coupled with our SEO & SEM services our clients are able to achieve and exceed their goals.

Contact us at: sales@efinitytech.com to see how we can help your business.