Blog: VSM Tutorials

June 2010 Newsletter

6.1.2010 / Website Launch

What's New in VSM!
Multiple File Upload with VSM Website Submission FormEnable your clients to upload large files without using email or FTP Software directly to your Website Library!

To utilize this capability on your VSM Site, please contact us atsales@efinitytech.com and enhance your site with this convenient and useful tool.

Website Launches
Congratulations to these recent Efinitytech Client Websites

Davita Clinical Research This site showcases VSM's capabilities with the Searchable Database Directory of Articles. 
Visit: davitaclinicalresearch.com

Stanwood Self Storage We are pleased to present this new site. Visit: stanwoodselfstorage.com

ASUS Windows 7 Marketing Library This site provides Marketing resources for ASUS Computers. Visit: winasusmarketing.com

NSI Solutions ECommerce The Seam Phantom by Kris Jorgensen provides visibly better Granite Countertop Seams. 
Visit their ECommerce site:nsisolutions.com

Coming Soon... (Projecting Q4 2010)
VSM Cross Browser Compatibility! In the near future, you will be able to use Safari, Chrome, Firefox as well as IE to administer your Website. And, for those requesting Friendly Page Names;they will be available at that time as well.

Also in the works... A Complete VSM Interface Enhancement 
which will make VSM fundamentally easier to use and intuitive. 
Of course we will continue to provide our exceptional support via Phone & Email: 360.805.8483; support@efinitytech.com 

Featured Client
The First Tee North Puget Sound This local chapter of the National Charity serves to enhance the lives of children by infusing them with core values including: Respect, Integrity, Honor, and Sportsmanship through the game of golf.

Help the children of the next generation excel with your support.
Play in the Tournament June 14 at The Everett Golf & Country Club, Contribute and/or Participate by Coaching !
Visit: firstteenorthpugetsound.com

VSM Tips

VSM Restore Pages
Recover any page* from the previous week! Also "reverse publish" a page by restoring the published copy to the edit page, in the event that you have mangled an edit session. Look under The Website Button. 
*Only if you have NOT Deleted the page.

VSM Power User
Open Images / Docs & Navigation & Edit Pages in separate browser tabs to quickly work on many aspects of your site without waiting for pages to load. 

Search Tips
Back Links

Arguably as or more important for search visibility as good content! 
Most of your clients and associations have websites. Ask them to link to your Site. Email them a clip of text briefly 
describing your business, include an important keyphrase that is linked to a particular page for that topic. Use VSM to make the clip! This is the absolute "Gold Standard of Links"!
Visibility for Local Search 
Include Testimonials from your clients and customers on your site. Include the town and state and good keyphrases.
VSM is your key to winning at organic search and increasing business from your website!
Email Sales@Efinitytech.com for advice or help with SEO. 
Call 360.805.8483