Blog: VSM Tutorials

January 2009 Newsletter

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VSM Training - Tentative Class Dates

We have enhanced VSM's Capabilities greatly in recent months. With even more new features in the works! In part due to the enhancements and the tremendous growth of VSM, We have had a significant level of interest in VSM Classes.

At this time, the tentative Class dates are:

Friday May 20; Friday May 27; or Friday June 3

The Class is going to be an all day schedule, starting at 9:00am, Lunch included, the first half being specifically for the VSM Editor and VSM Express, the second half will focus on VSM Pro, including instruction on E-Commerce, Newsletters, Forums, Navigation Manager, User Manager and other Advanced Features of VSM Pro Websites. We will take some time to showcase some of our most successful VSM client sites and touch on Search Engine Optimization.

VSM Express Cost, including Lunch: $100 each attendee

VSM Pro Cost including Lunch: $150 1st Attendee, $100 each additional from your organization.

Please email me directly: vaughan@efinitytech.com with the date(s) that will work for you. We can only hold one class during this time frame. I will get back to you with the date that works for the most respondents. 

Use the Word document to HTML converter to avoid dirty web source and messy markup code!

VSM E Commerce Enhancements

As I write this, we are in the process of adding support for multiple Category and Product Layout Options within your VSM E Commerce Solution!

Also, E Commerce Navigation will no longer be independent of your regular site Navigation, it will be integrated directly into Your VSM Navigation Manager. You will be able to directly link to categories or products from regular links or pages. So, to make a special offering on your Home Page you will need only insert a link or image and link it directly to the special product!

Alternate Page Names

All VSM Websites now support Alternate Page Names! The alternate name is the one Search Engines will seek. If you do not specify an alternate Name, the existing page name is used. This neat new feature allows you to have Long Alternate Names and Short or Different Names for your Navigation!

Referrals are Welcome and Rewarded!

Refer a friend and when they become a VSM client, you will get a $25 reward for a VSM Express, or $50 for a VSM Pro. Share your excitement about VSM and earn $!

sales@efinitytech.com (360) 805-8483

VSM Support is always available

  • On-line help in VSM
  • Forums with helpful tips on www.efinitytech.com
  • Email at support@efinitytech.com
  • or by phone: (360) 805-8483