Data Elements: Support.aspx

Uploading images to file manager

Go to Media tab on the VSM menu.

Select the File Manager category underneath the media tab.

New Folder Screenshot

On the left hand side of the page is a list of folders.

Before uploading any images, select the folder you want the images to be put under.

If you want to create a new folder, select the blue new button.

Folder Name Screenshot

Title your folder and then hit the blue Save button to save your changes.

Once you've selected a new folder or an existing folder, a list of all the images in that folder will appear on the right hand side of your screen.

Upload Files/Drop Files Screenshot

You can upload a photo to the selected folder by dragging the image into the box. This will automatically save the photo into the files.

If you are importing an image from your files, click the large box above all the uploaded images.

Desktop Screenshot

Once you find the image you want to upload, click the image and then click the Open button.

Your upload will appear under the list of files within that folder. It is listed in alphabetical order so you may have to search for your image a bit for your image.

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